Vol.19,Issue 10,October 2023

Systematic Reviews

Open Access

Technical elements on the rings in men's artistic gymnastics—a systematic review

Dušan Đorđević,Miloš Paunović,Saša Veličković,Petar Veličković,Mima Stanković,Danilo Radanović,Rifat Mujanović,Dino Mujanović,Igor Jelaska,Luka Pezelj,Goran Sporiš

DOI: 10.22514/jomh.2023.095

Abstract ( 2146 ) PDF (2.37 MB) ( 268 ) Full Text


Open Access

The close proximity between the human rectum and prostate: a functional-anatomic arrangement favoring prostate health

Vladimir Ajdžanović,Marko Miler,Branka Šošić-Jurjević,Branko Filipović

DOI: 10.22514/jomh.2023.094

Abstract ( 1659 ) PDF (1,017.37 kB) ( 210 ) Full Text

Original Research

Open Access

Nocturia in men and associated comorbidities: a southeast Michigan study

Daniel Fortney,Prasun Sharma,Alexander Geisenhoff,Bernadette M.M. Zwaans,Michael D Lutz

DOI: 10.22514/jomh.2023.096

Abstract ( 1111 ) PDF (1.17 MB) ( 139 ) Full Text

Open Access

HPV vaccination among gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men in Canada's three largest cities: a person-centred approach

Ramandip Grewal,Shelley L Deeks,Trevor A Hart,Joseph Cox,Alexandra De Pokomandy,Troy Grennan,Gilles Lambert,David Moore,Mark Gaspar,Clemon George,Jennifer Gillis,Daniel Grace,Jody Jollimore,Nathan J Lachowsky,Rosane Nisenbaum,Gina Ogilvie,Chantal Sauvageau,Darrell HS Tan,Anna Yeung,Ann N Burchell

DOI: 10.22514/jomh.2023.097

Abstract ( 1575 ) PDF (1.56 MB) ( 143 ) Full Text

Open Access

Association between motor competence, and the rating of perceived exertion in male young adults

Fábio Saraiva Flôres,Denise Soares,Virgínia Teixeira Hermann,Clandio Timm Marques,Nuno Casanova,Renata Willig,Joana Lourenço,Priscila Marconcin,Ana Filipa Silva,Rafael Oliveira

DOI: 10.22514/jomh.2023.098

Abstract ( 1166 ) PDF (388.54 kB) ( 160 ) Full Text

Open Access

Gender difference in impact of mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic on sexual function

Hyuk-Dal Jung,Tag Keun Yoo,Jung Yoon Kang,Jun Ho Lee,Jae Duck Choi

DOI: 10.22514/jomh.2023.104

Abstract ( 1207 ) PDF (382.68 kB) ( 152 ) Full Text

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