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Mediating Effect of Competitive State Anxiety on the Relationship between Mood States and Perceived Performance Experienced by Asian Male Baseball Players from Universities in Choking under Pressure Situations

  • SangJin Yoon1
  • Kazunori Irie1
  • Hanbeom Kim2,*,

1Sport Coaching Science, Graduate School of Health and Sport Science, Nippon Sport Science University, 158-8508 Tokyo, Japan

2Department of Wellness Sports Science, School of Wellness Industry Convergence, Hankyong National University, 17579 Anseong-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea

DOI: 10.31083/j.jomh1808172 Vol.18,Issue 8,August 2022 pp.1-12

Published: 31 August 2022

(This article belongs to the Special Issue Physical and Mental Health in Sports)

*Corresponding Author(s): Hanbeom Kim E-mail:


Background: The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationships between mood states and competitive state anxiety and perceived performance in Asian male baseball players from universities in choking under pressure situations during a game. An additional aim was to identify the mediating effect of competitive state anxiety on such relationships. Methods: A questionnaire was administered to 209 male baseball players from universities who wanted to enter a professional league. The mean age of study subjects was 20.25 years. Structural equation modeling and bootstrapping analyses were used to test hypotheses and analyze the mediation effect. Results: First, among mood states, higher confusion and higher tension predicted higher competitive state anxiety. Second, mood states had no significant influence on perceived performance. Third, higher competitive state anxiety predicted lower perceived performance. Lastly, competitive state anxiety had a complete mediating effect on the relationship between mood states and perceived performance. Conclusions: To help athletes perform to the best of their ability, psychological interventions should be provided with a greater focus on reducing competitive state anxiety during a game. And we believe that an intervention program with a greater focus on competitive state anxiety can provide a more realistic and effective assistance scheme which will prevent a sudden decrement in performance.


Asian male baseball players; mood states; competitive state anxiety; perceived performance; choking under pressure

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SangJin Yoon,Kazunori Irie,Hanbeom Kim. Mediating Effect of Competitive State Anxiety on the Relationship between Mood States and Perceived Performance Experienced by Asian Male Baseball Players from Universities in Choking under Pressure Situations. Journal of Men's Health. 2022. 18(8);1-12.


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