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An Analysis of Difference in Preventive Health Behaviors for COVID-19 by Personality Characteristics in College Athletes

  • Yeon Kim1
  • YoungJae Kim2
  • JeongHyung Cho2,*,

1Department of Sports, Kyungil University, 38428 Gyeongsan, Republic of Korea

2Department of Physical Education, Chung-Ang University, 06974 Seoul, Republic of Korea

DOI: 10.31083/j.jomh1811210 Vol.18,Issue 11,November 2022 pp.1-7

Published: 30 November 2022

*Corresponding Author(s): JeongHyung Cho E-mail:


Background: Due to the uniqueness of COVID-19 compared with other infectious diseases, the need for various countermeasures against it should be emphasized, and considering that most athletes are not allowed to wear masks during competitions, stricter preventive health behaviors for COVID-19 are required among these individuals. Therefore, in an attempt to yield data that may be used to increase the engagement in preventive health behaviors for COVID-19 among college athletes, this study investigated the differences in preventive health behaviors for COVID-19 according to personality types. Material and Methods: Based on the Big Five personality theory, the relationship between preventive health behaviors for COVID-19 and personality characteristics was tested. Data were collected from 65 participants (male: n = 53, female: n = 12) through a questionnaire survey. Results: The results showed no differences in preventive health behaviors according to demographic characteristics such as sex, grade, sports type, and career. The highest score for a personality type was for conscientiousness, and those with a higher level of conscientiousness, extraversion, neuroticism, and openness reported higher scores for preventive health behavior for COVID-19. Interestingly, those with low openness also reported higher scores for preventive health behaviors for COVID-19. Conclusions: These results are expected to be used as important information to restrict the spread of COVID-19 and promote preventive health behaviors among college athletes.


COVID-19; prevention; sports; athlete; conscientiousness

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Yeon Kim,YoungJae Kim,JeongHyung Cho. An Analysis of Difference in Preventive Health Behaviors for COVID-19 by Personality Characteristics in College Athletes. Journal of Men's Health. 2022. 18(11);1-7.


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