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Open Access Special Issue

Men’s mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic: a scoping review

  • Hyunbong Park1
  • Soyoung Yu2,*,

1College of Nursing, Graduate school, Yonsei University, 03722 Seoul, Republic of Korea

2College of Nursing, CHA University, 11160 Pocheon-shi, Republic of Korea

DOI: 10.31083/j.jomh1809179 Vol.18,Issue 9,September 2022 pp.1-9

Published: 22 September 2022

(This article belongs to the Special Issue COVID-19 impact on men's mental health)

*Corresponding Author(s): Soyoung Yu E-mail:


Background: Mental health issues can be more severe in men vulnerable to isolation and loneliness during a pandemic because of social distancing and isolation measures. The purpose of this study was to identify current research trends and the impact of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) on men’s mental health through a scoping review, and to make recommendations for improvements. Methods: This study conducted a scoping review to explore and analyze research trends on the effect of COVID-19 on men’s mental health during the period January 2020 to October 2021. The PubMed and CINAHL databases, as well as Google Scholar, were used to identify relevant studies. The two researchers individually reviewed the studies, and all references were reviewed to determine the final sample of included studies. Results: A total of 27 studies were included in the analysis. Of all the studies, 14 were descriptive, one was quasi-experimental, and six were qualitative. Remaining studies included four commentaries, one case study, and one review. COVID-19 was found to impact the following areas of men’s mental health at the individual level: psychological distress, addictive behaviors, sleep, well-being, cognitive function, and coping. At the interpersonal level, family outcomes, community belonging, and violence were impacted. At the social level, masculinity, inequity, and social service changes were affected. Intervention strategies for men’s mental health during COVID-19 recommended by these studies were also divided into three levels (individual, interpersonal, and social level). Conclusions: Efforts should be made to improve mental health services for men who may experience anxiety, depression, and anger, along with the physical health concerns of the COVID-19 era.


COVID-19; men; mental health; scoping review

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Hyunbong Park,Soyoung Yu. Men’s mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic: a scoping review. Journal of Men's Health. 2022. 18(9);1-9.


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