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The most contemporary analysis on YouTube videos on premature ejaculation

  • Gabriele Pezone1
  • Alessandro Lombardi1
  • Francesco Di Bello1,*,
  • Agostino Fraia1
  • Ernesto Di Mauro1
  • Claudia Collà Ruvolo1
  • Gianluigi Califano1
  • Simone Morra1
  • Roberto La Rocca1
  • Massimiliano Creta1
  • Luigi Napolitano1,2
  • On behalf of Genito-Urinary Social Media (GU-SoMe) working group

1Department of Neurosciences, Reproductive Sciences and Odontostomatology, University of Naples “Federico II”, 80138 Napoli, Italy

2ASL Salerno, 84125 Salerno, Italy

DOI: 10.22514/jomh.2025.021 Vol.21,Issue 2,February 2025 pp.51-57

Submitted: 31 October 2024 Accepted: 10 December 2024

Published: 28 February 2025

*Corresponding Author(s): Francesco Di Bello E-mail:


Background: It is unknown if the quality of information of videos on premature ejaculation (PE) uploaded on YouTube has improved during the last years. The current study aimed to quantify the quality of information in videos on PE uploaded on YouTube. Methods: A systematic collection of YouTube videos was completed using five keywords combination. The search was carried out after logging out from any personal account and in “incognito status”. The first 200 videos were recorded for each keyword’s combination. Results: According to the selection criteria, 149 (14.9%) were suitable for the analyses. Of those, 42 (28%) YouTube videos were uploaded by medical institutions vs. 107 (72%) by non-medical channels. According to Patient Education Materials Assessment Tool for Audiovisual Materials (PEMAT-A/V), higher Understandability score (88% vs. 15%) as well as higher Actionability score (100% vs. 0%) were recorded in video uploaded by medical institutions relative to non-medical channels (p < 0.001). The median total DISCERN score (57 vs. 32) was higher for videos uploaded by medical institutions relative to non-medical channels (p < 0.001). According to Global Quality Score (GQS), the quality of the YouTube videos uploaded by the medical institutions was of moderate quality. The median Misinformation total score was 2 (interquartile range (IQR): 1−3) for videos uploaded by medical institutions vs. 0 (IQR: 0−1.2) by non-medical channels (p < 0.001). Conclusions: The videos uploaded on YouTube on PE by medical institutions have been increasing during the last years. Specifically, they had better quality, evaluated according to PEMAT, DISCERN and GQS tools, than their non-medical channels counterparts. However, the degree of misinformation was still high, representing a social concern. Further improvements by medical institutions are needed to reduce the degrees of misinformation lower as possible.


Patient information; Social media; Andrology; Premature ejaculation; Sexual dysfunction

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Gabriele Pezone,Alessandro Lombardi,Francesco Di Bello,Agostino Fraia,Ernesto Di Mauro,Claudia Collà Ruvolo,Gianluigi Califano,Simone Morra,Roberto La Rocca,Massimiliano Creta,Luigi Napolitano,On behalf of Genito-Urinary Social Media (GU-SoMe) working group. The most contemporary analysis on YouTube videos on premature ejaculation. Journal of Men's Health. 2025. 21(2);51-57.


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