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Semen quality and determinants in 1177 male infertility clinic attendees in the central region of China

  • Cheng Wang1
  • Chunyan Shi1,†
  • Hong Yu1,†
  • Chaowu Zhan1
  • Chao Wang1
  • Jie Chen1,*,

1Department of Reproductive Medicine, The Second People’s Hospital of Wuhu, 241000 Wuhu, Anhui, China

DOI: 10.22514/jomh.2025.020 Vol.21,Issue 2,February 2025 pp.41-50

Submitted: 18 July 2024 Accepted: 27 August 2024

Published: 28 February 2025

*Corresponding Author(s): Jie Chen E-mail:

† These authors contributed equally.


Background: Infertility affects 15–20% of couples in China, with male factors accounting for nearly half of these cases. This study examines semen quality and its determinants among male infertile patients in Central China, aiming to provide a comprehensive evaluation of semen profiles in this population. Methods: A total of 1177 male patients with infertility concerns were analyzed at a specialized reproductive medicine clinic in Central China. Semen analyses were performed, and correlation analyses were conducted based on variables such as age, tobacco use, alcohol consumption, sleep quality and occupation. Results: Among the cohort, 46.5% exhibited semen abnormalities. Notably, higher abnormality rates were observed in individuals holding managerial positions and clerical occupations, with a more pronounced effect in the latter. Analysis of single variables revealed a significant association between nocturnal sleep duration and several seminal parameters (p < 0.05). Additionally, occupational type significantly influenced progressive motility and the total count of progressively motile spermatozoa (p < 0.05). Multifactorial linear regression analysis identified age as a major factor affecting sperm morphology. Furthermore, sleep duration and occupation were significantly correlated with sperm concentration, total sperm count, vitality, progressive motility, and the total count of progressively motile spermatozoa (p < 0.05). Conclusions: These findings suggest that men of reproductive age in Central China generally have favorable semen quality, potentially due to relatively healthy lifestyles and occupational conditions. To maintain this positive trend, further investigation into lifestyle, occupational and environmental factors is needed. Identifying and addressing potential threats will be essential for protecting male reproductive health in the region.


Semen analysis; Male infertility; Lifestyle practices

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Cheng Wang,Chunyan Shi,Hong Yu,Chaowu Zhan,Chao Wang,Jie Chen. Semen quality and determinants in 1177 male infertility clinic attendees in the central region of China. Journal of Men's Health. 2025. 21(2);41-50.


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