Article Type
Special Issue
Psychological health in male athletes: the effect of perceived coaching behaviors on male athletes' anger and aggression levels
1Sarikamis Faculty of Sport Sciences, Kafkas University, 36000 Kars, Türkiye
2Institute of Health Sciences, Recep Tayyip Erdogan University, 53100 Rize, Türkiye
3Faculty of Sport Sciences, Recep Tayyip Erdogan University, 53100 Rize, Türkiye
4Faculty of Sport Sciences, Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University, 17000 Canakkale, Türkiye
DOI: 10.22514/jomh.2024.193 Vol.20,Issue 11,November 2024 pp.127-135
Submitted: 06 July 2024 Accepted: 07 August 2024
Published: 30 November 2024
*Corresponding Author(s): Tarkan Havadar E-mail: tarkanhavadar@kafkas.edu.tr
Coaches are the main people who have an impact on the mental and psychological performance of athletes as well as their physical performance. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of perceived coaching behaviors on the anger and aggression levels of male athletes. This study was conducted with 748 licensed male athletes who are over 18 years of age and participate in individual and team sports branches. In this study, the “Coaching Behavior Assessment Questionnaire” and the “Competitive Aggressiveness and Anger Scale” were used as data collection tools. The study results showed that athletes’ levels of evaluation of the coaching behaviors were high, while the levels of aggressiveness and anger in sports were low. It was determined that there is a negative lowlevel relationship between the athletes’ evaluation levels of the coaching behaviors and the aggressiveness and anger levels in sports and that the coach’s behaviors predict the anger and aggressiveness levels of the athletes by 9% and 6%, respectively. The results of this study show that the attitudes and behaviors of coaches can affect the emotional states of male athletes and have the potential to increase or decrease their anger and aggressiveness levels. Coaches who exhibit positive, supportive and modeling behaviors help create a healthy sports environment and help male athletes maintain emotional balance.
Coach; Athlete; Anger; Aggressiveness; Male
Tarkan Havadar,Arslan Kalkavan,Gökmen Özen. Psychological health in male athletes: the effect of perceived coaching behaviors on male athletes' anger and aggression levels. Journal of Men's Health. 2024. 20(11);127-135.
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