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Genetic susceptibility of MMP3 (rs3025058) variant allele in male football players with multiple ACL surgeries: a PCR-RFLP analysis

  • Alpay Bülbül1,†
  • Çağatay Dereceli1,†
  • Meriç Eraslan2,*,†,
  • Nihan Bozkurt3,†
  • Kübra Şahin3,†
  • Murat Eliöz4,†
  • Dila Şeyda Taşdemir5,†
  • Yunus Emre Güler6,*,†,

1Faculty of Sport Sciences, Aydın Adnan Menderes University, 09010 Aydın, Turkiye

2Faculty of Sport Sciences, Akdenı̇ z University, 07058 Antalya, Turkiye

3Faculty of Medicine, Tokat Gazı̇ osmanpaşa University, 60000 Tokat, Turkiye

4Yaşar Doğu Faculty of Sport Sciences, Ondokuz Mayıs University, 55139 Samsun, Turkiye

5Institute of Postgraduate Education, Hitit University, 19169 Çorum, Turkiye

6School of Physical Education and Sport, İstanbul Esenyurt University, 34517 İstanbul, Turkiye

DOI: 10.22514/jomh.2024.177 Vol.20,Issue 10,October 2024 pp.183-189

Submitted: 12 March 2024 Accepted: 24 May 2024

Published: 30 October 2024

*Corresponding Author(s): Meriç Eraslan E-mail:
*Corresponding Author(s): Yunus Emre Güler E-mail:

† These authors contributed equally.


This study aimed to investigate the genetic susceptibility of the Matriks Metalloproteinaz-3 (MMP3) (rs3025058) gene variant allele and genotype distribution in male football players who actively participate in professional leagues and have undergone a minimum of two anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) surgeries. The study comprised 44 male football players who had undergone a minimum of two ACL surgeries and 61 male football players who had not undergone any ACL surgery. Participants’ blood samples were collected and DNA was extracted. Allele types were determined by analyzing the MMP3 (rs3025058) variant gene polymorphism using the restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) method with appropriate primers and restriction enzymes. The results revealed no statistical significant differences in genotype distribution for 6A/6A, 5A/6A and 5A/5A (p = 0.736) or in 6A-allele frequency distribution between the control (CON) and ACL groups (Odds Ratio (OR) = 1.119, 95% Confidence Interval (CI): 0.637–1.965; p = 0.318). The analysis of both dominant (6A/6A vs. 5A/6A + 5A/5A) and recessive (6A/6A + 5A/6A vs. 5A/5A) models for the inheritance of the minor allele did not yield statistically significant difference, with odds ratios (OR) of 0.647 (95% CI: 0.283–1.478; p = 0.408) and 1.472 (95% CI: 0.506–4.281; p = 0.584), respectively. This study investigated the impact of MMP3 gene polymorphisms in ACL injuries, uncovering an intricate interplay between genetic and environmental factors that contribute to injury susceptibility. While some studies suggest potential links between MMP3 variants and ACL risks, the available information is inconclusive and necessitates additional confirmation in other demographics. Continued research is crucial to develop effective, personalized injury prevention strategies based on robust genetic markers.


ACL injuries; Matrix metalloproteinase-3; Gene polymorphisms; Male football player

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Alpay Bülbül,Çağatay Dereceli,Meriç Eraslan,Nihan Bozkurt,Kübra Şahin,Murat Eliöz,Dila Şeyda Taşdemir,Yunus Emre Güler. Genetic susceptibility of MMP3 (rs3025058) variant allele in male football players with multiple ACL surgeries: a PCR-RFLP analysis. Journal of Men's Health. 2024. 20(10);183-189.


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